Set in California, the Immortal Series tells the story of a girl named Ever who becomes orphaned after a car accident claims the lives of her parents and sister. Adopted by her aunt, she begins at her new high school as a social outcast. Since the accident, she has been visited by her sister`s ghost and has new psychic abilities which she hides from everyone around her. Ever must deal not only with the usual high school issues but also the trauma of losing her family and interference by immortal beings. The second book deals with complications concerning her relationsip with her boyfriend. The third will be out in a while...
My impressions of these books are favourable. Although they are not the kind of thing that I personally like to read, I think that students will find them entertaining and easily accessible.
The novels in this series are: Evermore, Blue Moon, and coming soon... Shadowland.
Check out these websites : as well as YouTube-Evermore or BlueMoon
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
The Night Runner - Max Turner
Night Runner, set in Peterborough, Ontario, tells the story of a young guy who has been placed in a mental institution because no one knows what to do with him. I like this novel because it has twists and turns, great characters and wry humour. While the protagonist is a vampire, this novel deals more with secrets and life choices than it does with vampire angst. More than just a page turner, you will be drawn to the lovable, realistic, multifaceted characters and their weird, humourous reflections as they deal with life's challenges.
The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Stephen Chbosky
This is a novel about a young guy who is not on the radar at school. I like this novel because it reveals the thoughts of a young person finding his way through adolescence: dating, drugs, family drama, friends... It seems that the author, Stephen Chbosky is not concerned with making a buck or a movie deal rather with telling a heartfelt and honest story that truly speaks to the reader as a person rather than a consumer.
Uglies Series - Scott Westerfeld
This series is about a futuristic society in which, at sixteen, everyone undergoes and operation to make them beautiful. I liked this series because it is about a group of young people who decide to rebel and live authentically. Scott Westerfeld has written many books and has a website which will fill you in far better than I possibly could. Check it out...
Novels in the series: Uglies, Pretties, Specials, Extras.
Novels in the series: Uglies, Pretties, Specials, Extras.
The Tomorrow Series - John Marsden
This is a series of seven novels. Set in Australia, it is about a group of young people who go away on a camping trip and upon their return to "civilization" realize that their country has been invaded, homes seized or destroyed, and families imprisoned. I liked it because it deals with relationships of all kinds, with moral decisions, with loyalty and duty under stressful circumstances. John Marsden has a website....
Novels in the series include: Tomorrow when the world began, The Dead of Night, Killing Frost, Darkness Be My Friend, Night is For Hunting, The Other Side of Dawn, Burning for Revenge
Novels in the series include: Tomorrow when the world began, The Dead of Night, Killing Frost, Darkness Be My Friend, Night is For Hunting, The Other Side of Dawn, Burning for Revenge
The Blue Bloods Series - Melissa de la Cruz
The Blue Bloods Series is, as the title suggests, about Vampires, and like the Cassandra Clare series, it too is set in New York. Once again, I liked this series better than Twilight because it is not all about following your heart to the guy of your dreams, rather about friendship and morality. Melissa de la Cruz has a website where you can read the first chapter...but beware, you could be bitten and need to read the rest....
Novels in the series include: Blue Bloods, Masquerade, Revelations, The Van Alen Legacy (Due out in October 2009)
Novels in the series include: Blue Bloods, Masquerade, Revelations, The Van Alen Legacy (Due out in October 2009)
The Host - Stephenie Meyer
This novel, set in the future, is about a group of young people who have escaped the notice of extraterrestrials who have populated the earth. Stephenie Meyer's storytelling is at its finest here. Despite the fact that I am not a fan of Sci-Fi, I actually enjoyed this novel more than the much hyped Twilight series.
Twilight Series - Stephenie Meyer
Enough has been written about these novels, so I will not go into any detail concerning their contents. Instead, I will give you my opinion. These novels are a fun and easy read. They are about Vampires, but more importantly they are about relationships. As a feminist, I really don't like the idea of "giving everything up for a guy" but as a romantic, it is sweet to see such idealized emotion...
Novels in this series include: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn
Novels in this series include: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn
The Mortal Instruments Trilogy - Cassandra Clare
This is a trilogy of novels for young people who like to read as each novel is long. Yes, it is about Vampires.... Similar to the Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Series, this Trilogy is about some otherworlders living in America. However, these vampires do not live on the rural west coast but are urban New Yorkers. The author has a terrific website with information about the novels as well as information about a new series that she is currently writing which is set in London. Check it out...just google Cassandra Clare.
The series includes: City of Ashes, City of Bones, City of Glass
The series includes: City of Ashes, City of Bones, City of Glass
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